Apple under pressure from Danish Tabloid

Danish tabloid Ekstra Bladet is taking action against Apple's rejection of its Ipad-app, Ebladet, complaining to the European Commission.
Philip Shange

Is Apple abusing its position for censorship purposes? Yes, says Ekstra Bladet, who is now taking matters to the European Union.

Apple recently rejected the tabloid’s Ipad-application due to Ekstra Bladet’s 'Page 9-girl' – a topless girl-next-door model Apple deemed “offensive”.   "We find that there is a market discrimination as Apple allows other newspapers in the App Store with similar content," Ekstra Bladet said in an official complaint to the World Association of Newspapers (WAN), Danish Newspaper Publishers’ Association (DDF), Apple and the EU.
  In the past, Apple has approved Ipad-apps for UK tabloid ‘The Sun’ and German ‘Bild’. Both apps have similar content with the 'Bild-Girl' and The Sun’s 'Page 3 Girl'.   "Apple is the sole distributor of applications for iPhone and iPad and, thus, the European Commission will most likely find that Apple holds a dominant position in this market. A dominant undertaking is not allowed to abuse its position by refusing to grant access to an essential facility or by discriminating against its customers,” the newspaper continued.   The case could have vast financial consequences for Apple. EU fined Microsoft 497 million Euro on similar charges in 2004.   "With the Commission’s recent focus on technology markets in mind, it is our assessment that the Commission will be interested in Apples behaviour on the market for distribution of applications for iPhones and iPads. Following an investigation, Apple will not only have to stop the abusive behavior but will also be exposed to the risk of penalties," the complaint said.

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